On Behalf of My Sisters in Afghanistan

I recently attended the Othering and Belonging Conference that was held in Berlin, Germany. One of the panels informed on Gender Justice. During the audience questions, a young lady from Afghanistan asked why no one was helping the Afghan women. My heart immediately felt for these women who are so oppressed and restricted in their country.

I woke up the next night with the following thoughts:

I would first suggest for Afghan men to do a fresh reading of the Quran to determine how much of the treatment of women today actually matches with the Quran. I have not read the Quran, but I have read the Bible and I know that some things that have been set up as the Christian thing to do, does not line up with the Bible.

Next, consider if your young women and girls are leaving the country and culture, that all you will be left with are women too old to produce children. The question to ask is do you want to make changes so that women and girls will stay, and your country and culture will survive. If not, you will be responsible for the annihilation of your culture and people.

The choice is yours. People are starting and will continue to help Afghan women and girls. They will continue to leave unless things change.

Do You See What I See?

What follows is part of an article on the website for the Harvard Business Review (https://hbr.org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter).

Striving to increase workplace diversity is not an empty slogan — it is a good business decision. A 2015 McKinsey report on 366 public companies found that those in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity in management were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their industry mean, and those in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15% more likely to have returns above the industry mean.

In a global analysis of 2,400 companies conducted by Credit Suisse, organizations with at least one female board member yielded higher return on equity and higher net income growth than those that did not have any women on the board.

In recent years a body of research has revealed another, more nuanced benefit of workplace diversity: nonhomogenous teams are simply smarter. Working with people who are different from you may challenge your brain to overcome its stale ways of thinking and sharpen its performance. Let’s dig into why diverse teams are smarter.

You might wonder where I am going with this, so I’ll tell you.

If workplace diversity equals better products and increased company performance, then I suggest the same could be said for communities, cities, and yes, even countries. While the recent events from the Supreme Court seem to not model the concept of diversity = progress, I think it does show how flawed our society has become.


Are you seeing what I am seeing? If you are seeing the push on all the gains that have been accomplished for impoverished people and BIPOC/LGBTQ+ (B&L), then yes, you are. If you think that all of this will magically go away, then just look at US history. Many B&L advocated, protested, and even died for all these rights and privileges that are now being stripped away.

How far back are you willing to let this slide before you speak and do something to counteract this unhealthy wave? Will it be too late? Too late for what?

  • Too late for our nation to be a true democracy?
  • Too late to accomplish healing and unity for all?
  • Too late to avert another civil war?

I’m not trying to scare anyone but seeing all the things that we have witnessed over the past several years has me scared. I am scared for mine and other B&L families. An example:

There is a black dad and a white mom who have had several children. The mom does not understand all about the experiences of growing up as ‘the other’ in the US. Thus, she raises her children as she was raised. She is overprotective and lax in discipline. Her children will soon find out that while their mom is white, society sees them as black. They will be ridiculed, held to a harsher standard, and punished more severely. If involved in a fight, they will be expelled while the white student will be sent back to class. Their lax and protective upbringing will not have prepared them to stand up for themselves, to fight for justice and to stand proud.


Our nation’s future prosperity, vitality, and unity depend upon America becoming a truly healthy multiracial democracy — an aspiration that requires racial equity and diversity in higher education, housing, prison reform, and every system in our society. Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling, my foundation will not waver in my commitment to those making the nation’s high ideals a reality for all communities and all people.

If you have been a previous participant, you know we have had some great conversations. Now it is time to put into practice what we have learned. Beginning this fall, we will periodically go on outings as a group so that we can model for others what healthy diversity can look like.

Examples of outings (Some of these events will be followed by discussion.):

  • Eat at different restaurants in different parts of town.
  • Go to movie or theater.
  • Go to community events.
  • Go on a Dallas black tour.
  • Go on a Dallas regular history tour if there is one.

I would love to have you join us whenever you are available. Also, I would love your suggestions for events.

Doctor Pam

Let’s Hold America Accountable

When there are no consequences with children for their bad deeds and decisions, they never learn. They will do worse or just keep repeating the same bad deeds and making the same bad decisions. The US has never had to be held accountable for its bad deeds and decisions in regards to slavery and Jim Crow. Yes, I am comparing our country to a child. In many ways, the US acts like a spoiled child that thinks they don’t have to play by the rules, they can bully those who don’t agree, or do what they want to get their way. It’s the same with the Police, but that’s another post all by itself.

To Hispanics, I say,

If the US had paid reparations for slavery and Jim Crow, they would have thought twice before separating your families at the border. They are repeating the same bad deeds.

To other oppressed groups and poor whites, I say,

If we don’t collectively help to unite all Americans and hold America accountable for previous and current misdeeds, there are any number of afflictions that will come your way as the upper echelons seek to narrow who is worthy. The manipulation of who is allowed to vote is just the beginning. Historically, voter suppression inhibited the black vote but also the voting of poor whites and all women. Through voter suppression they can pass the laws they want to and that benefits them.

To everyone, I say,

Let’s all do our part to make America a true Democracy, where all are united in the midst of our glorious diversity. Oh, how beautiful we will be when we come together and value the contributions of one another and each is allowed to thrive and grow. How marvelous it will be when all can use their gifts and talents to help make our country better and all children can realize their potential. It breaks my heart to see all this division, hate, judgment, and criticism.

If you’re not sure where to start, contact me. I’ll be glad to have a conversation with you to explore what it is you can do with your gifts and talents.

I Implore You!

People fleeing Ukraine were told women and children first. What they really should have said was, ‘Caucasian women and children first.’ When African women and children boarded the trains that would take them to safety, soldiers removed them. Apparently, their lives were not valuable enough to be equated with ‘real’ Ukrainians. In a time of war, it seems amazing that we would still take the time to allow our prejudice, devaluing, and hate to impact who gets safe passage and who does not.

Some of the Africans were immigrants, some were students, and some were residents of Ukraine – but none have a way out of the country. As I was listening to this story, someone said, “Black people are always expected to care about and feel compassion for everyone else, but no one cares about or feels compassion for us. Yes, we would like to help the Ukrainians, the Afghans, Asians, LGBTQ, and everyone else. However, it gets harder and harder to even want to help others and feel compassion for them when they won’t help those who look like us.

There is always a group that is placed before us – women, LGBTQ, other BIPOC, etc. Sometimes this is okay depending upon the circumstances. However, it never becomes our turn. Please know that I am not saying that we shouldn’t help others. We should definitely fight for all who need help. We have been doing this but when we ask for others to fight for us – for our liberties and opportunities, to be treated as people who belong and are valued, to be treated with compassion and grace – it is always limited and done misguidedly.

Learn more about this crisis within the crisis of war.

Get involved with helping this new crisis for Ukraine.

Then, get involved with a social justice group to end racism and racist policies here in the United States. An internet search will reveal a plethora of organizations and options for getting involved. Visible Unity is always open to all and will encourage all. I implore you to get involved. It will change things and you.

Peace, Love, & Unity


People Unite!

I was cleaning out my room and ran across words I wrote (don’t know when). They are still pertinent today, with only minor modifications.

I’m here to say – God says enough! My people unite!

Look at the racial chaos in our world. God is calling us to love and heal his world. In America, the belief that whites are superior to all others is destroying our country. The new and developing chaos with Russia and Ukraine is also based on the erroneous belief that some people are superior to others.

We are all human beings and equal in that fact. Our skills and talents vary, just like our personalities and strength of character varies. These are meant to strengthen the society, not weaken it. When there is an atmosphere of diversity, unity and inclusion, the growth and productivity of society increases. Harvard did a study that proved this point about businesses, and I carry it out to the societal level. If we want America to be great, we need to embrace all Americans. If we want our global society to be great, we need to embrace all global citizens. We cannot afford to leave even one person behind. Our collective survival depends upon it.

Believers, do something every day towards racial reconciliation and peace building. Reach out to someone of a different culture. Do or try something new with someone new. So, I encourage you to reach out, engage others, be a voice, be an opportunity provider. I say, ‘opportunity provider,’ because sometimes we don’t need anyone to speak for us. We just need the opportunity, and we will speak for ourselves.

Once you have engaged others, share their stories (if they agree) with others so that all can begin to understand and know the daily lived experiences of others.

As always, contact Visible Unity for more questions, some answers, and lots of opportunities.

Peace, Love, & Unity



We are beginning to see the escalation of acts of rage and hate that began toward Black people. We have been telling you about the interconnectedness of all of humanity.

There were examples for us to see: Swine Flu, West Nile, Ebola, Covid 19.

It may begin in one place, with one group, but it will eventually spread. With our US violence, it began with the relaxing of gun laws. Actually, it began with genocide and slavery followed by hundreds of years of instilling hate and fear of black people and other minority groups. Then, came the relaxing of gun laws. With Trump, the escalation of the hate and rage were encouraged. First, police were getting away with killing black people. Then, ordinary white citizens were getting away with it. Police departments, who are supposed to serve and protect, have now become militarized and infused with people full of hate and rage towards black people. White racists have become emboldened to take the country back. We are beginning to see violence turned towards anyone who is seen as against them.

It is not too late to stop this escalation. But we have to act now.

We have to elect politicians who will pass the laws to fix a lot of this. For suggested laws and policies, you can go to any website that is promoting justice, diversity, equity, belonging, and inclusion.

We must learn to show respect, and dignity to all of humanity. We must also embrace and value all of humanity.

As the holiday season approaches, take some time to reflect on this and what else you and yours can do.

I’d love to hear from you.


Black History and Critical Race Theory

I was recently asked a question (during Safe Space Conversations) and thought my response would be good to publish for others to hear.

Please feel free to share with others.


Gratitude and Grievance

Oftentimes, when words of gratitude and grievance are uttered when talking about racial equity and justice, the intended meaning is:

  1. Gratitude – BIPOC should be appreciative of the US and patriotic. The assumptions are that because we critique and criticize the US, we do not love our country, because we demand equity and justice, we want more than we are entitled, and because we see ourselves as citizens who should be able to obtain the American dream – if we want, that we only want it at the expense or on the backs of others.
    • However, it is from our love of country that we push our country to be better and to do more for everyone who resides in this country and its territories. It is from our love of country that we desire and know that we are better together than divided. When everyone’s needs are met, a community, business, country will thrive and grow. It is from our love of country, that we envision a new dream for America and the world.
  2. Grievance – Grievances or complaints against our government are acts of treason and/or terrorism. Our grievances are legitimate in a country that has systematically entrenched racism and oppression nationwide. These complaints are continually bringing up the negative (and yes, ugly) events and actions from our country’s past. Some people would say by doing so, we inhibit our nation from moving forward.
    • In reality, in not addressing, resolving, and healing our country from its past and current egregious acts, we stifle our ability to become our best selves – individually and as a country.

If you are tired of the complaining and grievances of BIPOC, and

If you are tired of the seeming unmerited and unpatriotic (not my words) critiques and criticisms,

Then, I suggest you learn and expand your knowledge for yourself (internet searches, books from all sides, etc.) and begin to see and listen to more than one perspective of our collective story. I would also encourage you to join us at Safe Space Conversations, where authentic ‘seeking after truth’ is welcomed and honored. If you have a group already, we can talk about working with your group for a specialized Safe Space Conversations or any other training.

It is through one’s engagement with diverse individuals, and we build relationships across all societal divides, that we learn to be responsible citizens in our country. A responsible citizen critiques and seeks to improve self, community, and government. I am excited to see what a healed, improved, and truly welcoming country the US will become. Join us.

International Day of Peace 9-21-2021

Song Lyrics

Let There Be Peace On Earth

Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me
Let There Be Peace on Earth
The peace that was meant to be

With God as our Father
Brothers all are we
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.

Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With ev'ry step I take
Let this be my solemn vow

To take each moment and live
Each moment in peace eternally
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me

Songwriters: Jill Jackson / Sy Miller
Let There Be Peace on Earth lyrics © Music Copyright Consultant Grp


Lord, everywhere around the world there is violence and chaos. Homes are disrupted. Lives are torn apart. Lord, help us to turn to the way of peace, to the way of you, O God. There are some already working. Let more become involved as fitting for themselves and their context. Help us to be the peace we want to usher into this world. Help us to model peace and a peaceful presence.

Hear us I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action Steps

First, I would encourage everyone to read, “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War, 5th Edition” by World Beyond War.

Second, determine what role you can play in helping get to a world without war.

Third, study and learn more about the issue worldwide. There are some countries who don’t have a military and others who are doing great things to move their country toward peace.

Go to: https://worldbeyondwar.org/alternative/ to get the book and to learn more.

Let’s Start Disrupting and Reconstructing

It has been a while since I’ve been able to come up for air and share what’s on my heart and mind. I know that everyone (well, 81 million of us) is feeling excited about the new leadership in our country. I am excited as well. However, I want to caution us to not rush into the possibilities of a new dawn before we thoroughly and positively deal with January 6, a day that should never be forgotten. A lot was said and done (or not done) that led to that day, Insurrection Day. Politicians, news outlets, talking heads, academics, everyday Jills and Joes, even some church leaders threw gas on a living, breathing fire (also referred to as the “Big Lie”), which eventually resulted in aggressive, deadly actions taken by a mob to undermine and further divide our country. We MUST ensure that the fire-instigators as well as the perpetrators are held accountable for their words and actions. We MUST ensure that anyone involved in the domestic terrorist act is punished based on the severity of their actions and their position.

If we try to sugarcoat this act or merely slap people on the wrist that sends the message that their actions were not so bad. That is the wrong message to send. What they did was treasonous! What they did was seek to overthrow a legitimate, fair, and free election. What they did was carry out an attempted coup. They sought out politicians to kill, desecrated the flag, injured, even killed citizens. No, everyone inside the building nor outside on the Capitol grounds did not do the killing or desecrating, but all are complicit by their presence. This is the same thinking logic that is applied when Black Lives Matter protests are accompanied by riots, right? The public is told that all participants in BLM protests are guilty, all are rioters and violent. In actuality, 90 percent of BLM protests are peaceful. The other ten percent have been plagued by outsiders who are not even part of the protest. Media and law enforcement identifies them as neo-Nazis, agitators, white supremacists, etc. whose purpose is to discredit the protests, to muddy the message. Or, the rioters are outliers acting out of selfishness, greed, or anger. BLM protesters. Insurrectionists. Are they all guilty and complicit by their participation? By their presence? In the coming weeks and months, it will be interesting to see how the argument shakes out. It will be interesting to see how the narrative is shaped. America has a real opportunity to apply equity and justice. Will she? Will you?

Regardless of what the future holds, I encourage each of you to consider your part. Are you willing to contact your elected officials and media personalities and share your feelings about January 6th and the action you want them to take to ensure justice and equity across the board? Are you willing to add your voice to the narrative? Are you moved to begin or continue those difficult conversations with family members, friends, co-workers, etc. who were involved with Insurrection Day or who sympathize with the insurrectionists? Are you ready to start building coalitions and relationships with “others?” Today, we can start to create a healthy, just, and fair America. Together we can make our nation into what the founding document proclaims, “One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” www.visibleunityinc.org

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