
Epically Awesome

Ann Fields ( did a beautiful job of relating information about herself and then proceeded to nominate me for the Epically Awesome Award for Epic Awesomeness.  I hope I also do justice to the award in answering these questions:

What made you choose your current blogging platform?  Actually, it was suggested to me by Ann Fields and I respect her opinions.

Introduce yourself and tell us about your blog?  I’m a mother of 2 and grandmother of numerous little ones – some biological and some not.  I am also a student working on my doctorate in Global Leadership at Bethel Seminary in St. Paul, MN.  My studies and my passions coincide (of course) around the area of diversity and unity and in particular Christians modeling for the rest of the world how you can have and should have both diversity and unity.  Thus, my blog will have a wide spectrum of content but basically around diversity – educating all, expressing how people of color may feel, encouraging all, etc.

Are you a once-in-a-while blogger or a daily one?  I try to blog at least once a month but I’m not always successful given my school load, full time job and full time ministry (Visible Unity, Inc.)

Do you wish to publish and if so, what type of book?  Currently, I am not interested in publishing but if The Unity Process is successful in bringing people together, then I will want to share that information with others.

What is your favorite thing to do besides write?  I grew up reading and I continue to love reading, although most of my reading now is for school.  The next thing besides that is my grandbabies and their parents – playing, helping, interacting, etc.  We can learn so much from children.

Thank you again Ann Fields.  Unfortunately, I am not in the blog-o-sphere enough to recommend anyone.  All of my hopes for extra time in my life are centered around finishing school.
